• Hi!
    I'm Jane

    Always enthusiastic about learning and taking on challenges

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  • I am
    a Data Analyst

    Aspire to bringing data to life with profound insights and quality analysis

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About Me

Who Am I?

Hi I'm Jane Wong. I am a recent graduate majoring in Information Systems and Economics, with a minor in Big Data Technology. I describe myself as a quick learner and a detail-orineted problem solver. I am passionate about helping organizations capitalize on new opportunities based on data-driven insights.

With my hybrid background, I am confident in bridging the gap between business and technology. My expertise in data analysis and business acumen can uncover hidden trends and devise effective solutions for companies, utlimately leading to optimized performance and sustainable growth.

Database Administration

Data Vis and Analytics

Tech Solution Design

IS Project Management

Currently seeking data- and consulting-related opportunites,
I am excited to get to know you all!

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What I do?

Here are some of my expertise

Database Admin

Manage database systems effectively to ensure its the reliability, security and performance

Data Visualization

Reveal valuable findings to faciliate companies' understanding of complex data

Predictive Modeling

Strategize algorithms and models to forecast future trends and stay ahead of competition

Innovative Ideas

Develop technological solutions to ameliorate people's quality of life


Leverage digital technologies to deliver values to customers

Pitch Deck Design

Communicate business ideas effectively to potential investors and stakeholders

My Specialty

My Skills

I am skillful at project management, problem solving and analytical thinking.

As for hard skills, Python is my main programming language. I also have a beginner level of competence in C++ and Excel VBA. The following are the techniques that I specialize in,

Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly




TensorFlow Keras




Oracle Database


Apache Spark on Databricks


Data Analytics Projects

This analytics challenge is about Sustainable and Green Finance in Hong Kong, which aims to mine a dataset that provides text of nearly one million pieces of news articles and social media posts and comments with keywords related to climate risk and sustainability.

This visualization project aims to provide in-depth insights for any aspiring entrepreneurs who have a vision to establish their own business in Pennsylvania,the United Status through visualizing the Yelp Dataset which constitutes various businesses, reviews and user data.

This project is to forecast the United States Federal Funds Rate, one of the most anticipated and recognizable economic indicators in the financial world, by adopting machine learning techniques. Using various tools for forecasting the Federal Funds Rate of the United States, we further compare, analyse and discuss the results from different methods to draw conclusions on the strategies performed.

This project aims to build an interactive database for a pet hotel using Python and Oracle. We helped the manager and staff there to streamline the hotel management and room booking process . At the end the project was well-received by the hotel and it has boosted its efficiency.

This project is to analyze the MovieLens 1M Dataset from Grouplens and draw some insights from it using Apache Spark.


Business Projects

Stock Pitch on a Green Company

Executive Summary: TA long recommendation on BYD (1211.HK) at a six-month target price of 304 HKD is proposed, which implies a 29% upside from the stock’s current price 235 HKD. There are three upside drivers. With China’s reopening, a strong demand from, and more export opportunities to foreign countries are expected. In addition, it is believed the company’s vertical integration and diversified new energy products strengthen its operation and revenue streams. BYD’s well-established sustainability framework also aligns with China's 'go-green' ambition. For valuation, the sum-of-the-part approach is adopted. Three risks are identified: more fiercer competition in the Electric Vehicles (EVs) market, reputational risk stemming from sustainability practice, and product recall concern.

Macroeconomic Research on Energy Diversification

This is a group research project undertaken by the students to apply macro models, statistical and econometrics tools to analyze a real-world question, in order to gain better understanding of the models and to practice the skills on problem solving, team-work and presentation.

The research aims to study whether the diversification of the energy portfolio can reduce inflation surprise during energy price shocks.

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Business Innovation Project about Gerontechnology

Executive Summary: A digital divide often refers to uneven distribution in the use of, access to or impact of information and communication technologies between distinct groups. Alongside with the advancement in technology, the digital divide among age groups worsened. In other words, while technology continues to go further, it leaves the elderly behind. Although the elderly nowadays are now adapted to the extensive use of technologies, the complexity of technologies brings frustration and amotivation to the elderly, making some reluctant to use them. Therefore, we hope to have a more elderly-friendly device to help the elderly to make the first move to embrace technologies, thus improving their lives with the aid of convenience brought by technological advancement. Plus, a large part of the aging population is suffering from loneliness. So our robot Bonnie is set to be elderly’s assistive technology device and companion simultaneously.